tonight is free night. I love free night.
Yes, sadly that i what i look forward to every weekend, but who doesn't?
skipping back a week, i want to to tell you about our peachy time we had for free night/day last week. So it's 7:45 our alloted time to go out to this super groovy party for Sara's birthday (I love you Sara!!) so just like the story of our lives, we' r running late. (editors note, we are always late, doesn't mean we still can't change ptl) the scheduled people for dishes were still putting on make-up and getting ready etc, so right before were suppose to leave we all pitch in on dishes, with dishes and fifteen minutes of trying to round everyone up to the car we get out the gate at around 8:30, ahem, 9:00. so ptl, were out, on the way we pick up some people etc and so forth not taking so long, then like 10 minutes before we get to the house Martin has to pee his brains out saying he can't hold it, so after 5 stops finally a little sub-way lets him to "relieve" himself... scary. (hehe) we get there around 9:45 10:00 but ptl, so were there starting to dance, when we have a game where the there are 4 girls and 4 guys, the four girls get blind folded while the guys kneel or sit or whatever they were doing cause i couldn't see, then they give the girls a banana while spinning her, when she stops she doesn't know where she is and has to try to find the guys mouth and stick the banana in b4 the other girls, well sadly i was really dizzy so i dropped it, and then trying to pick it up with all the dirt and grime ,( poor Santi, sorry!), while stuffing it in his mouth, nose, ears, etc. (just a little exaggerated) we still don't know who won though, fun none the less. anyways, to sum up my story I'll just say i had a really great time being a total Dorcas!! after the party was over i spent the night at Melanies house, i wanted to watch a movie for some reason at like 2:00 in the morning so she put on a beautiful life or something like that, it was in Italian i can't remember the exact name. anyway it was really sweet, melly fell asleep on me, tsk tsk heh.. the next day we took a fifteen minute walk to star-bucks assuring ourselves that the walking would burn off all the "calories" haha... on the way we stopped at this cute little forest place where i wanted to take pictures cause i thought it was pretty (i was taking pictures of almost everything cause i was celebrating having my camera back hurra!) anyways, we walked back and went to this natural park right across the street from her house, it had a little stream in it, so perrty, besides the fact that it had like 5000 mosquitos swarming all over me, ahem, but it was worth it.. i think, so yeah, anyway i'll post some pics of the party and day etc right up there....................................................................................... P.s. i love you people!