Saturday, March 22, 2008

Prayer vigil

there's so much to prayer for, but it feels like theres so little time in your day, and before you know it, your in your cozy little bed praying for the night, and then you remember that you need to do a half an hour more of this praying stuff....and by the time you think that, you're already half asleep snoring. (well maybe in your case, i'd like to believe i don't snore). its so difficult for me, my spirit is just so lazy and lethargic, jesus help me! so all you faithful prayer vigil-ers, can you drop a tinsy prayer for me to start getting my act together? that would be peachy, and if you need any prayer yourself, just drop a line, and i'll try pray for you during my prayer vigil that I'm regularly going to start! thanks for your prayers tambien!



Xact Claims Services said...

hahaha, aw mindy your sew cute. I'm praying for you!!!

The Mega Prayer Warriors said...

Sure thing, you could post some lovely prayers here:
love you ..:*